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How might we assess Nutrition Literacy among young adults to create awareness around food and nutrition labels?


Nutrition literacy is defined as, “the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand nutrition information and skills needed in order to make appropriate nutrition decisions.”

Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior

The Challenge

Food labels are a key tool for consumers to understand the basic information and characteristics of food when purchasing food. University or college is a critical period for young adults regarding food choices. This is often the time when they are transitioning from living with parents to becoming independent individuals who are learning to make personal choices and habits in their lifestyles. How might we use design research methodologies to assess the current understanding of nutrition literacy among young adults?

What is the current understanding of food and nutrition labels among young adults?
Our team conducted primary research through qualitative interviews and cultural probes to uncover insights and opportunities.
Stakeholder Map

Mapping key stakeholders who influence food and nutrition decisions.

Primary Research - Interviews

Conducting qualitative interviews with primary stakeholders.

Cultural Probes

Sharing Cultural Probes with stakeholders for a week.


Synthesizing findings and insights.

Affinity Mapping

Identifying emerging themes.

User behaviors

Mapping user understanding of food and nutrition labels.

Most students are aware of food labels but struggle to understand the terminologies on them






Design Researcher


Riddhi Sabnis, Hwayong Shin, Krutika Galgalikar

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