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How might we design an innovative medical education model that motivates learners and improves their skills at airway management?



Weill-Cornell Medicine | NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital


The Challenge

The Protected Airway Collaborative (PAC) is a medical education community dedicated to creating the future of critical airway management training. Airway management training is an important tool for medical learners as they develop crucial skills that can prepare an individual in the stressful moments of intensive care while saving lives.




To explore the research question, the team followed a design thinking methodology. You can view this project in depth here.

Mapping the current U.S. healthcare system

Identifying the position of the PAC community in the healthcare system.

Primary Research

Interviewing experts to generate qualitative data.

Emerging themes

Qualitative data coding into themes.


Co-designing with primary stakeholders to map the efficacy of over 100 existing posters.

Visual audit

Identifying content modules through a micro-audit of existing visuals.

Design Probe with the community

Interacting with learners and educators using a design probe.

Insights & findings

Synthesizing insights and learnings.

Poster system

Designing a system of educational posters as prototypes.

Prototype and Testing

Testing the prototypes at the PAC Live Event on May 14th, 2022.


“It is not only about what we learn, but how we learn it that is important. How we learn can help us place knowledge in context, it can help us problem solve, and understand our predicament better when faced with a challenge.”
— Dr. John Browning


Design Researcher


Sophia Geanacopoulos, Kexin Zhang, Yuyao (Wooyo) Jin, Krutika Galgalikar

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